Friday, January 30, 2009
The Mighty Quinn
Shorter Kev 1/30/09
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Serious Insights: Liz Edition
Blago’s Goodbye Tour Comes to Town
Now we get our due. We get the Grand Finale! Rod makes his last stand as governor right here in town and all eyes (and cable news networks) will be on him.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Longer Kev 1/28/09
Friday, January 23, 2009
Blago Crazy
He's rambling wildly. Stupid cowboy analogies! Name dropping like crazy! Demanding Chicago newspapers write and publish editorials defending him! Blaming the whole episode on some tax increase conspiracy!
Is he making weird mouth noises?
Now it's over. Soon his governorship will be over.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What a bunch of self-important asses these TV folks are sometimes.
Texts 4evuh
(no link but I'm watching the live White House briefing.)
It really is true that the inaugural celebration was two parts Obama and at least one part Bush leaving. I would have been happy seeing a president Clinton or even McCain if it meant the end of the Bush era.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Turn It Up to Eleven
7:45 - Why are the talking heads so obsessed with speculation on where Obama will be going to church as president? The righteous Ronald Reagan and George W Bush didn't regularly attend church at all.
8:00 - The pre-inaugural coverage is as tortured and inane as the Super Bowl pre-game show. Actually more so since it's on every news channel.
8:05 - Speaking of church, Obama and Biden are in church now. Lots of religion injected into this secular event.
8:15 - is it at the inauguration the Obama finally reveals himself as the Muslim Terrorist Antichrist? A million wingnuts can't be wrong.
8:25 - I feel for the huge crowd standing in the cold. I remember that February morning two years ago freezing on the lawn of the Old State Capitol to hear Senator Obama annouce his run for the White House.
8:27 - CNN just interviewed two women who found a way to avoid the security checkpoints and told us all how they did it. Great.
8:37 - MSNBC is reporting the crowds are overwhelming in the checkpoints.
8:45 - This is a picky point but I've now heard two former Clinton administration officials refer to memories of the Clinton inaugural in 1992. Except, of course, that first Clinton inauguration was in January 1993.
8:50 - Obama now leaving the church and heading for the White House to have coffee with Bush. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, George.
8:56 - The Bush's are greeting the Obamas and enter the White House.
9:00 - I get a little tired of the self-congradulatory "peaceful transfer of power" stuff from the talking heads. Sure it's a good thing, but it's hardly unique to this country.
9:10 - CBS assures me that there are plenty of port-a-potties for the crowd.
9:37 - The dignitaries are filing in along with the celebs. Spike Lee looks cute in a fur-lined hat.
9:45 - George W. Bush just left the White House for the last time. Awesome. He and Obama are on their way to the Capitol.
9:59 - To my favorite troll who keeps posting racist and threatening comments which I immediately delete: I've been collecting your comments and will be forewarding them to the Secret Service. That may seem extreme but you seem genuinely dangeous. It might also be fun...for me. So keep the comments coming asshole.
10:05 - I wonder if those Supreme Court justices are wearing layers under those robes.
10:08 - Ray LaHood just entered.
10:11 - Oh boy! CNN has ordered up a satellite picture of the event and the crowd. Can't wait for that.
10:15 - The former presidents are entering. Bush the Elder is barly able to walk. Jimmy Carter is still spry. Hillary walked in with Bill rather than with the other cabinet members.
10:20 - On ABC they discussing what happens if Obama takes the Oath late, after noon EST, since Bush officially stops being president right at noon. OMG, no president for the intervening minutes.
10:25 - The Obama girls are in the house.
10:30. - Jena and not-Jenna are there.
10:31 - The crowd is chanting for Obama.
10:35 - Cheney is in a wheelchair after hurting himself moving the other day.
10:40 - Biden enters.
10:41 - Obama looks nervous as he prepares to come onto the scene.
10:44 - Obama is announced and enters. The crowd chants "Obama!".
10:46 - Here we go.
10:49 - Ugh, Rick Warren. But an OK opening prayer even though I'd prefer this to be a stickly a secular event.
10:54 - Aretha sings!
10:59 - Biden being sworn in and blinded by the sun.
11:00 - Bush is no longer president! But niether is Obama! We have NO president!
11:02 - CNN says Obama IS president even though be hasn't yet been sworn in. Better tell ABC.
11:04 - I'm nearly blind from typing on this small screen.
11:05 - Obama is taking the oath of office! He kind of flubs it.
11:08 - Thank God the Bush years are over.
11:09 - Obama giving inaugural address.
11:18 - He's doing well with the restoring America's dignity and trust in the world bit.
11:25 - This really is an above average inaugural address. Obama puts a lot into his oratory no matter what the venue and that has carried him far.
11:26 - He's done speaking now.
11:29 - And now poetry. I'd also like this to be a non-poetic event.
11:32 - A lot of people don't stick aourd for the poem.
11:34 - Another prayer. I liked the ending.
11:39 - The National Anthem. I thought that was sung at the beginning of events.
11:40 - Malia Obama had Joe Biden take her picture with her camera (or maybe he volunteered). Either way, getting the VP to do you favors is kinds cool.
11:47 - I've now lived through some or all of the terms of 11 presidents. That's 1/4th of them.
11:52 - Dick Cheney looks like Mr. Potter in that wheelchair.
11:54 - Bush waving as he gets on the helecopter to leave Washington. Bye George. That's 8 years the country will never get back.
11:57 - Obama (and the nation) waves as the helecopter takes off. Ha, Ha . The crowd is chanting "Na, na, na, na...hey, hey, goodbye."
12:01 - OK, I'm done for now. I need a nap.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Update: I'm still using my iPhone to blog, this time from bed, so still no formatting, pictures or links. I also just knawed my hand off to get out of my hospital braclets.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hard Bananas
The Midwest cold blast is getting lots of coverage on the media. One of the cable news channels even showed someone hammering nails into wood with a frozen banana.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bare Bones Blogging
The State of New Florida
Right now I'm in a place called Sunrise. Unlike the fun costal areas of the state, this is the land of retail chain stores, malls and office complexes. Think of the far southwest side of Springfield times about 300. This is where Mrs. TEH is for business so we didnt have any say in location. Sure it's warm, but there isn't much reason to go outside.
Last night the local weatherman on TV said something about "struggling to get into the upper 60s" one day later this week. When he threw it back to the anchorman, the anchorman said "BRRRRR!". Seriously.
Troll Be Gone
Monday, January 12, 2009
Blago Beach, FL
Friday, January 09, 2009
War = Death
On that happy note, I'm off on a vacation of sorts. Comments are off for now so I don't have to police the trolls.
There’s an Impeachment Going On
Update: Finally, the Illinois House votes 114-1 to impeach Governor Blagojevich. The debate actually lasted much shorter than I thought it would.
Update II: So what’s with Rep. Milton Patterson’s (D-Hit the Wrong Button)? He was the only member of the Illinois house to vote against impeachment. He’s from Chicago so I’m sure it has something to do with him hating Springfield.
Update III: On Patterson from the Chicago Tribune:
Rep. Milt Patterson (D-Chicago) was the lone vote against impeaching the governor. Patterson, from Chicago’s Southwest Side, said after the roll call that he didn’t feel it was his job to vote to impeach the governor. He declined comment on whether he approved of the job Blagojevich is doing.
And from Rich Miller:
Rep. Patterson, who has been quite ill, is still obviously bitter about being elbowed out of running for reelection by the political powers that be in his area last year.
And while we might find Patterson’s vote curious in its isolation, I really don’t think he now needs to be made a villain. What's the point?
The Wild Blog Yonder
Shorter Kev 1/09/09
Thursday, January 08, 2009
The Only Factor
Serious Insights: "Springfield" not Springfield Edition
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Cancerous Retail
Career Opportunities
Shorter Kev 1/7/09
Kevan Kavanaugh’s commentaries can be heard regularly on AM 970 WMAY .
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Teevee Land
President-elect Barack Obama has offered the job of surgeon general to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the neurosurgeon and correspondent for CNN and CBS, according to two sources with knowledge of the situation.
Don't forget, we wound up with Neil Williamson as Sheriff of Sangamon County largely on the basis of his TV apperances years ago on, what was it, the local Crime Stoppers ads?
Monday, January 05, 2009
Plate of the Times
Shorter Kev 01/05/09
Serious Insights: Windy Edition
Friday, January 02, 2009
Happy 4th Blogday
For some reason, each year I’ve posted fewer posts than the year before:
2005 – 1071 posts
2006 – 852
2007 – 809
2008 – 738
I also think I will be taking breaks like I did once last year. That did me a world of good and reinvigorated my desire to blog again.
The other thing that I’m letting go of, for now, is Friday Beer Blogging. It’s been fun for most of the last four years, but it’s really, really become a chore that I don’t enjoy that much. Maybe that will change with some time off, but for now FBB will no longer appear on these pages. That’s not to say I’ll never blog about beer, it just isn’t going to be a regular feature until or unless I feel the desire to do it again.
Over the last four years this blog has become far less political as I’ve become more and more disgusted with humanity in general. And rather that raving about it three or four times a day like I used to years ago, I’m letting most (but not all) of it go by. I’ve become less and less interested in trying change anyone’s mind. Besides, I thinking we’re entering a new era where a lot of the lunacy of the last 25 or so years is going to be swept aside. At least I can hope.
Anyway, the blog rolls on into year five. Now all I have to do is think of something to say.
More Ego from the Trail Blazer
Color: BlueThat last one is kind of odd since Africa is a continent not a “spot”. Where in Africa? One of my favorite vacation spots is North America.
Food: Fruit and Vegetables
Quote: “Only the best
is good enough”
Time of Year: Spring
Vacation Spot: Africa
Still, just seat the guy. We can vote him out (or not) in less than two years. Let’s focus on getting to the root of the problem and impeach Blagojevich..
iFart, uFart, we-all-Fart
Shorter Kev 01/02/09
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Trail Blazer
(AP) — U.S. Senate appointee Roland Burris has asked a court to force Secretary of State Jesse White to certify his appointment to Barack Obama's old Senate seat.
An attorney for Burris said they filed paperwork Wednesday with the Illinois Supreme Court.
It's the start of legal wrangling over the seat that embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich filled by naming Burris.
The move comes after White rejected Blagojevich's proclamation naming Burris to the Senate.