Friday, February 25, 2005

Go Blue!

I love air shows. I've been interested in aircraft most of my life and nothing is more satisfying than being surrounded by a celebration of them for a day.

Here in Springfield, we have an annual air show called Air Rendezvous. It's not a huge deal as air show go. It's nothing like the big one in Oshkosh, Wisconsin which I hope to get to some day. But AR is fine and it's in my backyard (almost literally). My biggest gripe is the increasingly small "static display" of planes parked for up-close viewing.

This year they moved up the scheduled date to take advantage of an opening the famous Blue Angels had in their schedule. Originally scheduled for September, Air Rendezvous will now take place April 30 through May 1. The Angels were to fly in an air show at Charleston Air Force Base but it had to be canceled. Something about a war going on the the Mideast.

The Blue Angels have been here before, but its good to have them back.

By the way, who knew there were this many air shows.

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