Sunday, March 11, 2007

Where There's A Will, There's "Ann" OPED

Well, congratulations to Will for making it into an SJ-R editorial today. I got Brian Pierce fired, now let’s see if Will can get Ann Coulter dismissed (I’m kidding…about Pierce anyway). I am rather impressed by the attention (good and bad) local blogs have gotten in the paper lately. I know a lot of what we do looks easy, often juvenile and even egocentric at times, but keeping these things going actually takes more effort then you might think. And don’t just take my word for it, ask anyone who has enthusiastically started a blog and then felt the need to drop out at some point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know how the feelings of the editorial board changed over time and what discussions they had about giving more attention to blogs.

And you're right. It isn't that easy to keep a blog going, which is why so few last and and even fewer become popular.