But it did get me wondering. Would Chicago and the whole Cubs universe ever, EVER, stand for the demolishing and replacement of Wrigley Field? I can’t imagine it. I can imagine riots preventing it though. I just can’t think that anyone, not even someone so politically tone deaf as, say, Rob Blagojevich, would ever even consider the idea.
Or am I wrong? Are there hints of such an idea brewing in Chicago? Again, if a story is limited to the sports section, I probably don’t know about it. I just can’t think replacing the Ivy Walls with new, greener, faster-growing ivy walls will ever happen.
Yeah, people are talking. Seems chunks of cinder block falling on fans has scared the weak away from Wrigley. I saw the Rockies at Mile High stadium this summer, and while it's pretty and all, it has the feel of a large mall with lots of restaurants, bars and even a playground behind the right field foul pole. Ick...the game seems way down on the list of stimulating things to watch and do there. I say grab your hard hat and leave Wrigley alone.
I'm with Nancy. I've been to many of the "new" parks, and I always leave the games feeling irritated and a little disgusted. The "new" parks are all about an experience beyond the experience of watching baseball. You have amusement areas for kids. You have shops and restaurants. You have all these things that, in my opinion, distract from the game of baseball.
I often think it's a lot like if you tried to hold a baseball game in the heart of Six Flags' midway. Try as you might to focus on the game, you're going to get distracted.
What ever happened to the days when people went to baseball stadiums to see a baseball game?
I think I'm drifting from the point. I think Wrigley represents that historic connection to baseball that I like. When I go there, it's all about the game and enjoying it with those around you. I never had the opportunity to see a game at Yankee stadium, but I would imagine it's a similar feeling.
I shudder at the thought of Wrigley being torn down.
I am about 6 blocks from Wrigley. I cant imagine them tearing it down. I guess the Cubs could play in Comiskey or Milwaukee for a year but they would take a big hit in revenue. I think the Cubs should buy Waveland Avenue from the City and expand backwards.
You might just have the solution. Put the "experience" outside the stadium - yet connected to it. Close enough to generate revenue, but far enough to keep the game at the center of things.
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