Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pigs vs. Springfield - The Rath of Davlin

In the comments section of this TEH post, ETK (aka ETL - whaaa?) reports getting a response from Mayor Tim Davlin's office on the issue of pig trucks stinking up the city in general and the ALPLM area specifically. Here's the text of what he got:
Thank you for your comments regarding the cattle trucks that pass through the middle of town. Rest assured, the Mayor is working with I-DOT in rerouting them. Since Jefferson and Madison are state routes, there is little the city can do on its own. But, in cooperation with I-DOT we should be able to find a solution. Hopefully, we can set a weight limit on that route, which would force all heavy trucks to go a different route.

Thank you for expressing your concerns.

Ernie Slottag
Communications Director for Mayor Tim Davlin
Well take that you porker, smelly-bellies. Your days of olfactory offensiveness are numbered! At least downtown. I hope.

ETK goes on to report that the Sunday festivities around the ALPLM were predictably intruded upon by the stink trucks.
It seemed only fair play that when we left the festivities tonight that we got caught behind a pig truck. The truck left such a stench behind it hundreds of people walking back to their parking lots were waving their arms about trying to escape the fumes - futile gestures.
ETK has been rewarded by being promoted to TEH's Chief Hog Field Correspondent. Good work!

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