Having an affair is a private matter but why would you run for president knowing that skeleton was in your closet? You know that the media would have a field day if the truth was discovered. Hell, they’d tar and feather you more for the affair than if your campaign was based on a platform of genocide and child rape.
Of course, if the affair is far enough in your past and you wind up marrying the other woman (see Reagan, McCain, Gingrich, et al), the media gives you a pass. Fair or not, those are the rules and Edwards should have been more discrete either before having the affair or before deciding to run for president.
This is no news! It is expected of a Democrat, a party of loose morals. First, Bill Clinton, then Edwards! For the Democrats, anything goes - homosexuality, extra-marital affairs, fornication...and the list goes on and on. If we stop to think about this, it is no mystery. Before people cry foul, it is wise to look at the facts. America's NUMEROUS problems stem from such moral values. Deny it, and you'll continue on the downward spiral. We need to get back to the basics. No other way out! Oh...and this woman is uglier than sin! And...Edwards has such a pretty wife; the guy has gone nuts!
Noone's comment took the words right out of my mouth!!! I always got the impression that The Edwards are a very judgmental couple...who do they think they are? They are so anti Bill and Hillary Clinton. These politicians who act so saintly and point the finger at each other make me sick! Republicans do the very same thing... they all have affairs but at least the Democrats eventually fess up.
Dear anon,
You forgot the other "Democrats" with loose morals and homosexuality such as Larry Craig, Haggard. Affairs were also mentioned of Gingrich, Reagan, and McCain, along with many others. And I would gladly like to discuss Bu$h/Cheney's (lack of) morals.
To Anon..above Geek guy..."this is no news it is expected of a Democrat"? get real... all those guys that you mention were all Republicans...numerous problems? All brought on by the Republicans...wake up...who's in office? The Republicans have just about ruined this country!!!
I heard Saddam and the AQ help Edwards arrange a date with her on one of those Chinese oil rigs off the coast of the U.S. and the Arkansas State Police provided protection.
I dont know why this is news. It seems like they all do it.
What makes me laugh is when the SJR and other mainstream media outlets refused to air the story because the National Enquirer broke it.
And yet, the Granddaddy of all liberal mainstream media outlets, the New York Times ran the false story about an affair that McCain and the lobbyist supposedly had and the rest of the media had no problem running with it. I wonder why.
Again, who cares about affairs anymore. I for one am not shocked or surprised that Edwards was getting some on the side.
"Who cares about affairs anymore"? I do because who knows what those SOB politicians are doing with your financial contributions. Edwards is probably chaneling money to his mistress and who knows who else to keep quiet. Plus he scorned gay marriage because it would ruin the sanctity of heterosexual marriage and look what he did. I'm so sick of holier than thou politicians who have affairs and tap their feet in public men's rooms. Thank God Edwards wasn't selected as the Democratic nominee!
Hooray for Democrats! Democrats make love, not war!
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