On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to "Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories. Just cut and paste.Well, that sounds like a swell activity. Hours of fun for the whole family!
People who sign up for McCain's program receive reward points each time they place a favorable comment on one of the listed Web sites (subject to verification by McCain's webmasters). The points can be traded for prizes, such as books autographed by McCain, preferred seating at campaign events, even a ride with the candidate on his bus, known as the Straight Talk Express, according to campaign spokesman Brian Rogers.
Paris Hilton is smarter than John McCain
McCain’s middle name is Sidney
McCain = Bush and/or McCain = Grampa Simpson
Now go get commenting for prizes!
He's got a hot wife that I would have loved to see in the "beauty contest".
He doesn't use a fake Texas accent.
He has less Alzheimer then Reagan.
He isnt Barak Hussein Obama!
That should be worth 1000 points!
ALL ABOARD!! The Stop Obama Express. Great site for Anti-Obama fun, videos, pictures, and more. Check us out at www.StopObamaExpress.com
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