Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blago’s Goodbye Tour Comes to Town

You know by now that Rod Blagojevich will be appearing today at his Senate impeachment trial. That, of course, means he will be here in Springfield, probably for the very last time given his aversion to our city.

Through this whole impeachment thing, I’ve thought Springfield got short changed. How nice would have it been if Blago had been arrested at the Executive Mansion? Or have the national media staked out in front of same for weeks? But no, he chose, as always, to be in Chicago.

Now we get our due. We get the Grand Finale! Rod makes his last stand as governor right here in town and all eyes (and cable news networks) will be on him.

1 comment:

Levois said...

LOL! And all eyes were on his removal as well.