Thursday, February 17, 2005

Double Standard pt. 1

Laura Bush is firing people!

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Behind the scenes, first lady Laura Bush is making big
changes for the next four years.

In the past two months, Mrs. Bush has hired a new social secretary and
chief of staff -- and fired chef Walter Scheib III, who had been at the White
House for 11 years.

Where's the outrage? When Hillary Clinton fired some folks in the Whit House travel office, the rightwing noise machine when into fits. It even got a scandal name, Travelgate. Ken Starr in his unending quest found no wrong-doing.

Of course, Hillary did nothing wrong and Laura hasn't either. It's perfectly within their prerogative to hire and fire whomever they like. The difference here, of course, is there is no left wing noise machine comparable to Rush-Fox-Sinclair axis.

Here's the word on Laura's motives from the same CNN story:

What's also at work, Washington observers say, is a first lady more
comfortable at the start of her husband's second term and not having to worry
about another election.

"She, I'm sure, is partially responsible for him being re-elected, and
I think that she knows that," Quinn said. "And I think that has given her an
enormous amount of confidence."

See, Laura is just more "comfortable" exuding "confidence". And we all know Hillary was just being a power-hungry bitch. Its true, I heard it on the radio.

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