Monday, September 18, 2006


I’ve not been one of those who thought the rapidly falling gasoline prices had much to do with the upcoming mid-term elections, but now I’m really starting to wonder. Check out this item and the quote from George W. Bush.
In the midterm election on November 7, Bush predicted Democrats won't win either
the House or the Senate. "I believe these elections will come down to two things: one, firm belief that in order to win the war on terror ...[blah, blah, blah]..., and, two, the economy." Bush said the price of gasoline, which has been falling rapidly, is one of the "interesting indicators" that the press should watch carefully. "Just giving you a heads up," he added.
Hmmm…sounds like he knows something we don’t. Wonder what that something is.

Hat tip to Digby.


Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that gas prices will rise back to over $3.00/gallon after the election?

No way, can't you see that we have turned a corner?

Yes, a corner!

We've turned a corner everyone!


They say it all has to do with Iraq, and the success we're having there.

So gas up those Monster Trucks, and SUVs, and don't forget to vote.



Randy said...

I resent the NASCAR comment...

It should say IROC rules...:)