Monday, May 16, 2005


"With so much bad news about Blagojevich, its nice to have this reminder that graft and cronyism are bipartisan issues."

That's DownLeft commenting on an item in Bernie Schoenburg's column in the SJ-R yesterday.

Go read what Schoenburg and DL have to say about it but the above quote is why I don't have much interest in all the Blagojevich/CMS scandals. It's the same old shit. I don't want to come off all cynical and I''m really not dismissive of any of it. It's just hard to get worked up when is the same old story over and over again, administration after administration. Some times it hits the papers, some times it doesn't. I'm glad when this stuff does get exposed; it helps curb abuses. However, the coverage doesn't stop it completely and never will.

I know it makes great copy and offers handy partisan touchstones but it's just hard for me to get excited about it.

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