Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat Outs Self

This is so anticlimactic.

Deep Throat now has a face.

No more mystery. A mystery that has been around for like 32 years. Since I was in 8th grade or something.

And this is it? Just like that?


UPDATE: Just watched a lengthy interview with John Dean on Keith Olbermann's show. Plenty of mystery still remains. In fact, according to Dean, W. Mark Felt couldn't have known everything Woodward & Bernstein (TM) attributed to him as Deep Throat. HA! HA, I say! I feel better now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched all the comments of those, especially those who were in the Nixon administration, who would denigrate Mr. Felt because they believe it was a betrayal of trust.

Whether he is a hero, I don't know, but he did take an active, although not open, stand against what he saw as corruption at the highest level.

For that, he should be congratulated. Our country feels so strongly in this that we enacted whistleblower protections. He didn't turn anyone in for a petty offense but for one that shouldn't have been considered too far from treason of the fundamental trusts our nation places in its elected officials.