Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Figure 8's, Baby!

Running a couple of errands this afternoon (yes, I'm feeling better) I noticed that it is possible to run a pretty tight set of figure 8s (legally) using city streets at one spot here in Springfield. Sure, head east on Madison at Amos, turn right on Lincoln, then another quick right on to Jefferson, go under Madison, turn left onto Amos, quickly take the Madison ramp back onto Madison, rinse and repeat. Tell me there aren't times when a good figure 8 isn't good for the soul.

On that same trip, I was stopped at an intersection with my youngish face and graying temples, Foo Fighters blaring on WQNA on my car radio and our seven-pound toy poodle (newly groomed) standing in my lap hanging out the window. The guy in the next car looking over at me must have been gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing. That's rich.