Thursday, March 12, 2009

Serious Insights: Guns or Bandages Edition

I find it odd that in this country owning a gun is considered a right but healthcare isn’t.


Anonymous said...

Without the right to bear arms, there would be no other rights.

Having said that, I am starting to lean toward some type of base universal health care. I am thinking about supporting it only because of globalization and the fact that our manufacturers cannot compete with other countries. Why? Because other countries pay for the health care so the employer doesnt have to. I think this had a role in the recession.

The problem that I see is how will they determine what procedures are necessary and which ones are not? Does everyone get a colonoscopy or only those with a family history.

My idea is to forgive student loans and have recent med school graduate work "free" clinics for 2 years. Anyone can go if they want to. Then, if so desired, one can buy additional insurance.

This way we have base care and advanced care. The problem I see is: Will the unions be happy only going to the rookie docs? I wouldnt want any type of surgery from a rookie doc. Tough situation and I am eager to see what Obama rolls out. But again we need to do something.

Anonymous said...

Without the right to bear arms, there would be no other rights.
Just ask the people from ruby ridge and branch dividians. Oh, and don't forget the terrorists in Iraq and Afganistan.

Having said that, I am starting to lean toward some type of base universal health care. .... I think this had a role in the recession.

Agree with whole paragraph, 100%.

The problem that I see is how will they determine what procedures are necessary and which ones are not? Does everyone get a colonoscopy or only those with a family history.

You obviously haven't had "capitalist" health insurance where accountants, not doctors decide your treatments. And even if you paid up for years they can not only deny you treatment, but retroactively force you to pay for prior treatments. Assuming you are not denied the privilege of paying for it, or can afford it. I pay 100s of dollars a paycheck for an $8,000 deductible before my "insurance" gives me any money savings.

My idea is to forgive student loans and have recent med school graduate work "free" clinics for 2 years. Anyone can go if they want to. Then, if so desired, one can buy additional insurance.
Good idea

This way we have base care and advanced care.
We already have a two tiered system, none or some. The rest I agree.

Dave said...

"Without the right to bear arms, there would be no other rights."

That's a silly statement. We don't (and never have) had an absolute right to own weapons. Even in an NRA nirvana world there would be restrictions on say atomic weapons and attack helecopters. Additionally, there are many (almost all actually) nations around the world that have no specific constitutional provision for bearing arms and they aren’t nations with without rights. They’re just nations without gun rights and that’s about the extent of it.

Anonymous said...


Of course we dont have an Absolute right to bear arms. We also dont have an Absolute right to free speech.

We wont have an Absolute right to health care either.

But, I think we can agree on some form of universal health care. If we remove the middle man,ie the insurance company, we can reduce current costs probably by 20% or whatever their profits margins are today.

But you will also have the issue of paying the providers. Today the govt is way behind. My brother founded one of the largest physical therapy clinics in the country and I know he wont take medicare patients because the govt wont pay enough to cover his costs.

He wont open up clinics in CA because the state law limits the number of visits a patient can go to physical therapy. So if you have a shoulder injury or neck injury, you get like 6 visits and then you are done.

So there are still some issues to be worked out. I am looking forward to the different proposals being presented. I am sort of sad that Daschle didnt pay his taxes because I think he would have been able to put together a decent plan.

Anonymous said...

He wont open up clinics in CA because the state law limits the number of visits a patient can go to physical therapy. So if you have a shoulder injury or neck injury, you get like 6 visits and then you are done.

After going thru PT for broken arms, I found out that my Insurance Company (and most others) have a 2K$ cap on PT. I unfortunately didn't find out till after I got more then 5K$ of treatment. That PT cap is separate from your regular deductible etc and the cap was put in place to limit the money to those "quack chiropractors". This came out to about 10 paid visits, not much better then the 6 visit limit. So after paying for the treatment out of my own pocket, I still need more treatment. It delayed my full recovery by months.

Speaking about not paying "taxes", your buddies in the banking industry didn't pay FDIC "tax" for about 10 years.
As a Treasury Department official in 2001(Hypocrite party in charge), she said, she testified on Capitol Hill about the need to impose the fees, but nothing happened. Congress did not grant the authority for the fees until 2006(Dems), just weeks before Bair took over the FDIC. She then used that authority to impose the fees over the objections of some within the banking industry.

Anonymous said...


You wont see me defending the banking industry. Those guys made the choice to offer high risk mortgages and then the balls to invest in CDO's. And those guys are not stupid. The bottom line is that greed overtook them and now the credit markets are tied up thanks to those bozos.

I wont defend the CEOs of the banks and I dont think you can defend Freddie and Fannie (big democratic institutions). They are all responsible.

If the banks dont open up the credit markets soon we will all be in trouble.

Anonymous said...


The banks were allowed to get greedy thanks to the Hypocrites deregulation and letting "the market self regulate". And as stated many times before, they had less of sub-prime loans then the other banks because they were regulated more then the other banks. Banks make money not only over loans, but investments such as property and stocks. When property values and stock values crashed, the banks (including Freddie and Fannie) lost lots of money. I am defending because I know the truth, you don't.

I just talked with my Chatham Bank, we are trying to refinance. He said our loan is thru Freddie and we can refinance after he catches up with the hundreds of other refinance requests he is processing.

Anonymous said...

Refresh my memory. What exactly were Barney Frank's role and Chris Dodd's role in this mess?

Granted, Greenspan allowed CDO to come into existence and regulate themselves. This was the final nail in the coffin for the banks. Their investment arm didnt know what their mortgage arm was doing. When mortgages defaulted it also drove down their investments returns which were heavy in CDOs.

Umm, what Truth do you know about this that I dont?

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that the NRA and most of the gun-huggers who claim guns defend freedom still supported Bush while he took our freedoms away for the last eight years.

Anonymous said...

What freedoms where those Will? What were YOU not able to do during the Bush years? Me, I did anything I wanted to. My freedoms were not impeded one bit.

Anonymous said...

Once again, narrow minded and selfish RM thinks because something didn't happen to him or fox news and Limbaugh didn't tell him it was happening, he thinks it isn't happening. Please note RM's emphasis on the word "YOU", clearly wanting to drag Will into RM's selfish narrow-minded world of delusions. We are the United States of America, not the Divided Sates of ME, ME, ME.

Just a quick search found multiple lists. Here are three with more lists available.

Please study your history....
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Anonymous said...

Thats odd, no specifics from geek? I asked a simple question.

The fact is that Bush did not trample upon our rights. The left is just pissed because he did not give rights to terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Zero reading comprehension strikes again. At least the ability to click on links. Thanks for showing your ignorance once again. After 8 years of ignorance, and an administration that created more terrorist then it killed, what do you expect.

Anonymous said...

The democratic underground??? ha ha ha....nice evidence.

Again, you cannot name one way in which anyone reading this has had their rights trampled by Bush. In fact, I would argue that Obama is trampling on the first amendment much more than Bush ever did.

Anonymous said...

The left is just pissed because he did not give rights to terrorists.

For the last 8 years, the worlds largest terrorist gave himself more rights by "signing statement", running death squads, kidnapping people of the streets of the U.S and the rest of the word, illegal spying on his citizens, torture, using chemical weapons on people, having his lawyers writing up secret docs that give him more and more unconstitutional powers.

The democratic underground???
Click the links in it.

I would argue that Obama is trampling on the first amendment much more than Bush ever did.

You can't argue without facts.

Anonymous said...

Signing statements? Didnt your president just issue one? Signing statements are not illegal....RickMonday Plus 1

Running death squads? Evidence please: RM+2

Illegal spying on citizens? Name one? Was it Will Reynolds? RM+3

Torture: He waterboarded 3 muslim terrorists in order to save Americanlives..Whose side are you on?.. I will take that RM+4

Using chemical weapons? Please. You are starting to turn into a Left wing wacko...RM+5

Having his lawyers write up secret docs....if they are secret how do you know about them..RM+6

Please offer evidence next time.

Anonymous said...

Signing statements? Didnt your president just issue one? Signing statements are not illegal....RickMonday Plus 1
Signing statements are to clarify the bill, Bush's were "I'll obey the law if I want to" RM-1

Running death squads? Evidence please: RM+2

here RM-2

Illegal spying on citizens? Name one? Was it Will Reynolds? RM+3 We can't, asswipe, because the list is classified. RM-3

Torture: He waterboarded 3 muslim terrorists in order to save Americanlives..Whose side are you on?.. I will take that RM+4
There are more then that if you have sources other then your leader, Rush Oxicotin Limpdick you would know that rapes and deaths by it. RM-4
Please provide proof that the info they got "saved Americans".

Using chemical weapons? Please. You are starting to turn into a Left wing wacko...RM+5
Like I said you need more sources then sex harasser Bill O'liely. We have used white phosherous against Iraqi people. RM -5

Having his lawyers write up secret docs....if they are secret how do you know about them..RM+6

We now know about Yoo's torture memo. RM-6

Please get a clue next time.

No go away and let the Non-Fox news watching, non delusional people run the country. Don't you got Saddams WMDs in Syria to be looking for? Didn't you hear McCain won the election, and Obama only won the popular vote. Quit embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

International Committee of the Red Cross book on U.S. Torture or like the AQ like to call it "Best recruiting tool ever!".