Monday, April 11, 2005


Got my tickets to the dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum which I see is now being referred to by the acronym ALPLM.

We arrived at the ticket outlet, the Prairie Capital Convention Center in this case, about 8:30. There were already about 200 people in line. We were required to fill out a form with our name, driver's license number and expirations date, and signature. We then waited in line for the 9:00 am opening of the ticket windows. Except the windows didn't open until 9:30. I think they were caught unprepared by the number of people.

By the time the windows did open, another 100 - 200 people had come in behind us. So, it was a good turn out complete with media coverage including Sinclair Propaganda's WICS-TV getting footage of the line and interviewing at least one ticket, ummm, getter.

Once the line started moving we were out of there in about 15 minutes.

The tickets allow us to enter the dedication ceremony to be held in Union Square Park a week from tomorrow. Union Square Park is next to the ALPLM and is about 3/4 of a city block. Problem is, right now its nothing but dirt. I guess the landscapers can work fast.

Anyway, rock on Abe Heads!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Without giving away any secrets, the Museum and my employer have a special relationship - (i.e., $100,000 donation, a planned series of grants, and did I mention the use of our parking lot?).

Perk One: Free admission tomorrow (I know it's not open yet, but it actually is - cause we're special). Maybe I'll gie you a "Special Report".

Perk Two: And this is only because of traffic - we get opening day off - an extra Holiday - yes indeed!

We (family) went to the grand openning of the library, which was neat, and free.

Tell President Clinton I said "Hi".

As for President Bush? You can tell him to go and..,

Oh never mind.