Friday, April 08, 2005


Ever wonder where Barney Fife is these days? Apparently, he's been hired as a security guard at the soon to open Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.

On Easter Sunday, a couple of museum guards added their own special touch -
real gunfire.

During that Sunday, when the museum was closed, a security officer was
completing the afternoon shift and was transferring a 9mm semiautomatic pistol
to the guard coming on duty.

At some point, "the weapon discharged toward the ground and (the bullet)
struck the floor," museum spokeswoman Christine Glunz said Thursday.

The incident occurred in the security room, which is away from the
exhibits. No one was injured, and Glunz said the guards were the only people in
the building.

The bullet did minor damage - a small hole in the carpet and a dent in the
concrete floor.

There is an internal investigation to figure out exactly what happened,
Glunz said.

"The security officer who discharged the weapon has been reassigned," she
said, adding that the guard was disciplined as well.

Posted without further comment.

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