Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Food for Thought

These people are just nuts. My God, talk about a cause in search of a problem.

I saw their new ad on CNN last night and about laughed my ass off. Not because it was funny as intended but because this group’s issue so moronic. Basically, they are upset that the government, trail lawyers (but of course, what wingnut organization would leave out trial lawyers), and various health and dietary “extremists” are forcing them to consider eating a healthy diet.

Here’s CCF’s own description of their ad:

Washington, DC - Fans of the classic TV series Seinfeld should enjoy the latest Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) television commercial featuring Larry Thomas -- AKA the "Soup Nazi." The stern authoritarian stars as a "food cop," barking commands like "Salad Line!" and "No Food for You!" to a line of hungry restaurant customers, who must weigh in before ordering. They walk away thinking that maybe the war on obesity has gone too far.

Well, yes if such a scene were even remotely related to reality, the “war on obesity” would have gone too far. But that’s just it, the “war” doesn’t look anything like this stupid ad.

You know, rather than being forced to eat my carrots, I find it hard, very hard, not to eat junk all day. We are all surrounded by it, seduced by it in the form of advertising, packaging and retail placement. I can eat as much crap as I want to and no one is stopping me, except me. Anyone who finds they are having a hard time getting a Big Mac or a Krispe Kreme must be locked in a basement somewhere.

I think one of the finest regulations ever handed down was the food labeling requirement. Consumers should have the right to know what they are ingesting. I’m sure CCF finds this greatly offensive. Well, tough shit. Most people like it and appreciate the ability to make informed choices. CCF lauds “the role of personal responsibility in Americans' diets” and therefore should be glad the government stepped into to make that possible.

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