Friday, April 29, 2005

Missing Magic Wand Update

I heard the president invoke the missing magic wand again last night at his press conference. I don't have a link to the transcript but I heard him mention the lost wand in an NPR report on his Social Security plan. Bottom line: it's still lost.

I have been tracking this important story for a few weeks now (see here and here).

I also have discovered that the president and others in his administration have been looking for the wand for some time:

Dick Cheney (July 2002): "Ultimately, of course, the peak power period this
summer will exceed any capacity the state has and you'll end up in those rolling
brownouts. There's no magic wand that Washington can wave."

Ari Fleischer (May 2001): "If any politician has a magic wand that they can wave
over gas prices to lower them, the president...would like to listen to them."

Presidential candidate George W. Bush, on healthcare reform (February
2000): "I'm sorry. I wish I could wave a wand."

Life would be so good if we could only find the wand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe our President attended Hogwart's for grad school but failed out after losing his wand.

Tis a shame.