Friday, April 22, 2005

Dude, Where's My Inbox?

Funny article headlined with, Email destroys the mind faster than marijuana - study.
Modern technology depletes human cognitive abilities more rapidly than
drugs, according to a psychiatric study conducted at King's College, London. And
the curse of 'messaging' is to blame.

Email users suffered a 10 per cent drop in IQ scores, more than twice the
fall recorded by marijuana users, in a clinical trial of over a thousand
participants. Doziness, lethargy and an inability to focus are classic
characteristics of a spliffhead, but email users exhibited these particular
symptoms to a "startling" degree, according to Dr Glenn Wilson.

Har, har.

Of course, neither actually "destroys" the brain. The trouble comes when you spend too much time goofing on the computer or being high and not otherwise engaging your mind. Obsessive Beanie Baby collectors I imagine suffer similar mind wastage.

Thanks to Mrs. TEH who saw this in her latest High Times.


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