Monday, January 24, 2005

Brink Bluster

So, there I was listening to Bob Brinker in the car yesterday for a just few minutes. I try not to listen very long while driving since I might fall asleep at the wheel. Financial talk is a bit dull and since no one really can explain or predict economics, it's also kind of a waste of time.

Anyway, I'm listening and Brinker says something I found unusually arrogant (even for him). He says its a perfectly horrible, horrible I tell you, idea for employers to have 100% medical coverage for employees. Why? Is it because it would hurt the company bottom line? Nope. Because of all the paper work? Nope. The reason employers should not provide 100% medical coverage to employees as a benefit is because...the employees won't show the proper appreciation for it.

Bob says employees will simply take their expensive health care benefits for granted and not truly appreciate the great thing the company is doing for them. On the other hand, says Bob, if the employee has to pay some (25% is what Bob recommends) then he/she will feel the bite and be ever so grateful the employer is picking up three times the amount.

Now, I don't know of any employers who pay 100% of everything medical. I guess they exist since Bob knows everything (ask him) and Bob is upset about the practice. So upset he needs to get on national radio and condemn the practice. So for arguments sake, let's assume this self-destructive practice by some employers exists.

My question to Bob is, why does it matter if the employees show the "proper" appreciation to the employer? Is it supposed to foster loyalty? I tell you what, having 100% of my medical covered would generate a lot of loyalty from me. Bob seems to think workers can't do the math unless confronted with a bill.

Or is mister capitalist just demanding the proper respect for employers as a matter of power. Don't want workers to be too uppity now do we. Make them feel a little pain and they will keep coming back to bathe in the employers salvation. You see, worker-boy, the fact that your employer makes a profit off of your labor is not enough. You must also kiss his ass and ask how much more you can give.

Just another day in Bob's world.

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