Sunday, January 02, 2005

Now I'm a Blogger

There aren’t many things in life you can make so with just a few keystrokes, but becoming a blogger happens to be one of them. And since it’s so easy, here I am.

I’ve been reading blogs for awhile now, mostly political ones. I like the whole concept. There are no rules governing topics or their length. A blogger isn’t required to fill a certain space at a certain time and they may post as often or as infrequently as they desire. Now, for a blog to gather a following it has to have frequent and insightful updates, but I’m not going for a wide audience. So, I’ll be posting when I want to and never more.

As for the name, The Eleventh Hour, I made it up on the spot. See, I was curious about how complicated it was to set up a blog. I Googled “how to set up a blog” or something and clicked the first link which was to the Blogger (blogspot) site that now host this blog. I went through the steps and before I knew it was asking me what I wanted to call the blog. Well, it was shortly before 11:00 pm and that’s when I most often get things done I’ve otherwise put off the rest of the day. So, The Eleventh Hour came to mind. Brilliant.

Anyway, I spend a lot of time exchanging ideas and information with friends via email and I think this may be the place I put some of that writing from now on. It will provide a central location for whatever is crossing my mind at a given moment. Up until now, I have been amused and occasionally impressed when I’ve come across old email exchanges. Here I can better track that kind of thing and, most importantly, provide a forum for what EVERYONE is entitled to – my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Start so far. ETK