Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dead or Alive

And the alives have it. Trusting George W. Bush to do things right might result in you looking like a fool and smelling bad.


Anonymous said...

And of course Bill Clinton was too busy worrying about his legacy to do anything about the numerous attacks on the US while in office. He even turned down an offer from the Saudi's to deliver Bin Laden on a silver platter. He said that we had no reason to hold him.

Of course when the heat started to come on Bill for fooling around with a teenage intern, he lobbed a few missiles and hit a milk factory in Iraq.

So blame Bush all you want but it was Clinton who missed the golden opportunity to nail BinLaden.

Dave said...


You bring up one of those great wingnut mysteries I’ve never understood. If Clinton was so lax in not “getting” Bin Laden, what the fuck was Bush doing for the first 8 months (!) of his presidency if it was common knowledge Bin Laden needed to be “gotten”? In wingnut world, 9/11 happened the day after Bush got into office. In the real world, he had 8 damn months to correct the situation which was, in wingnut hindsight, oh so easy to have predicted. George Bush did exactly nothing to prevent 9/11. NOTHING. In fact he disassembled much of what was in place before he took office AND failed to heed very real warning in August of that year when he took the whole month off and went on vacation. Now, there’s leadership we can all be proud of! Luckily its all Clinton’s fault, just like everything is in wingnut land.

JeromeProphet said...


He just blew you away!

Ha! Ha!


Anonymous said...


Bush is trying to get BinLaden. We just cant find him. There is a big difference between trying and turning him away which Clinton himself even admitted. Plus now, BinLaden is much more secure and taking more precautions than he did while Clinton was in office. It was Clinton who dropped the ball that ultimately lead to 911.

If Clinton had kept his eye on the ball we could have prevented 911. But Bill was too busy screwing interns to be focused on the security of the US.

Anonymous said...

yes, everything is Clinton's fault: the Crucifixction of Christ, the Bubonic plague, osteoperosis, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, my penis getting stuck in the zipper because I am too stupid to not go commando during the day...

But what has Bush done to get Bin Laden? We are a little too busy being greeted in Baghdad as liberators to take on someone who the administration doesnt even think is that all important.

Anonymous said...


I have not defended Bush that much here. I agree that he is doing a poor job of going after BinLaden. It seems like we have double standards as to which country we should invade. If I had any say we would be controlling the Saudi oil fields right now and we definitely would be in the mountains of Pakistan, but some people might think I am too extreme.

But when you talk about BinLaden being free right now, you have to also realize that the US was offered BinLaden by the Saudis. But Clinton said NO. Why he declined still boggles my mind. I just think it is funny that people are on Bush for not finding him and not saying anything about Clinton and the Dems basically letting him go.

I am not letting Bush off the hook here. We need to triple our force in Iraq and just level that country and smoke out all of the terrorists. Then we need to take over the oil fields until we recoup what monies we have spent on this war. I mean, oil was and should have been a major factor in considering to go to war but we have not received one red cent of oil proceeds.