Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Misplaced Apostrophe’s

There's certain subset of our society that consistently misuses the apostrophe. Then there is the subset that is constantly mortified at the frequent misuse of apostrophes.

I’m not solidly in either camp. I know I occasionally, and inadvertently, goof on apostrophe placement and I often catch others doing the same but without becoming apoplectic over it.

Anyway, everyone should enjoy this misuse of an apostrophe on the side of a northern Illinois school bus.


Anonymous said...

Is the title of this post meant to be ironic?

bar1scorpio said...

Heh, I thought you were going to rant about names in fantasy & sci-fi novels.

And no one ever uses the "!" in naming. Even though there is a sound for it, and it is used in the name of a tribe...