A vacation that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer.
All I never wanted
Hard to get away
Meant to be spent at home
Politics, life, music and other stuff from someone who doesn't know anything.
A vacation that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer.
All I never wanted
Hard to get away
Meant to be spent at home
Your "inner Al" is right on target. That's what I do every vacation - including the one I took two weeks ago.
I went to work with more gas that I usually have - because I didn't go anywhere.
I did, however, have some great cookouts.
by not going on vacation, you are letting the terrarists win! Totally un-American to sit at home while all that precious Arab blood, err...I mean oil goes to waste and oil execs go hungry.
I myself, plan on ensuring that no oil exec goes hungry this summer and that little Iraqi kids didn't just die in vain.
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