Thursday, August 11, 2005

Blogroll Updates

You may have noticed my blog links have been updated and reorganized. And it's already in need of updating. I split may old Illinois Blogroll into Springfield and (other) Illinois blogs.

I had previously left off Rich Miller's The Capitol Fax Blog for some reason. Not sure why considering I look at CFB daily and occasionally link to it here. Although based here in Springfield, I included Rich in the Illinois Blogs section because he deals primarily with State government/politics and stays away from local Springfield items

Amy Allen's Obiter Dictum is deserving of a link simply because Amy is way too dedicated to blogging. It also serves as a balance to all the commie liberals I'm otherwise inclined to link to.

Quad Cities blogger The Inside Dope was added to my Illinois Blogs just cuz I like the site. Mr. Dope feels it's good to post a weather radar shot. Know anyone else like that?

1 comment:

The Inside Dope said...

Glad you like the site, um... Eleventh...

I think the posting of the weather radar shot would perhaps be more understandable if you realized that we've been under drought conditions in our area for a couple months now. The rain last night was a pretty welcome sight.

I stood on my porch in the middle of the night and enjoyed it for a while, and then figured others might be just as glad to see it as I was. The area is starting to look like a dust bowl, with brown grass and shriveling plants, not to mention stunted crops. Evidently, the rainfall during this summer is quite a bit lower than even the dustbowl days of the '30s.

And let's face it, there isn't always a lot of juicy material out there. Sometimes you go with what you've got. ha!