Monday, August 06, 2007

Everybody Hearts Springfield

Chicago Tribune columnist and blogger Eric Zorn takes his family to Springfield and finds it an enjoyable bargain. He even finishes his post with this:
Bottom line: Springfield is a great getaway if time or money is short, which they often seem to be. A capital idea, in other words.
Yeah, but where was Zorn's column when we needed all those Chicago votes to make us the official home of the Simpsons?

I guess the Simpsons thing just wasn't meant to be and we will just have to settle for being the official home of Abe Lincoln. Which is exactly what a told a pharmacy worker while I was in California last week. She saw I was from Springfield and asked if that wasn't the home of the Simpsons. I told her the whole story about how we had just missed out on the official designation by a silly internet poll. She was shocked, having never heard of the Vermont Springfield. Another worker stepped up to convey his disgust at what he had just heard me tell the first worker. It had to be Springfield, Illinois he insisted. Or maybe Springfield, Missouri he added.

Anyway, after I told the pharmacy woman that we would just have to settle for being the home of Abe Lincoln, she exclaimed something like, "Oh, I didn't know he was from there!" D'oh! Oddly enough, after my discussion with them I turned to leave and came face to face with a large display of Simpsons dolls. Double D'oh!

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