Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What's This Guy Doing?

I’m really tired of asking that question about Rod Blagojevich. The SJ-R says it under the opinion piece headline, “Blagojevich making a joke of government”.

Sadly, while Blago bumbles and acts like fool, the Bush administration shreds the constitution, breaks laws, lies, manipulates, bankrupts the treasury and starts the occasional war (coming soon: Iran!). This is why I still can’t get too worked up about the silliness of Illinois politics. Yes, it’s goofy and we can do better but what’s going on in Washington is far more dangerous.


Anonymous said...

what laws did Bush break?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. What has Bush done but try to curtail terrorists and their leaders? Maybe if your favorite democrat leaders like Clintoon would have went after Bin Laden and Saddam in the beginning, this all would not have happened. And with regards to Iran, if they want to push some button, we will puch back even stronger. Gett off the Bush bashing you idiot dems who know nothing about terrorists and what they are capable of.

Dave said...

Your comment is so silly it almost has to be parody. But it does bring up one of those great wingnut mysteries I’ve never understood. If Clinton was so lax in not “getting” Bin Laden, what the fuck was Bush doing for the first 8 months (!) of his presidency if it was common knowledge Bin Laden needed to be “gotten”? In wingnut world, 9/11 happened the day after Bush got into office. In the real world, he had 8 damn months to correct the situation which was, in wingnut hindsight, oh so easy to have predicted. George Bush did exactly nothing to prevent 9/11. NOTHING. In fact he disassembled much of what was in place before he took office AND failed to heed very real warning in August of that year when he took the whole month off and went on vacation. Now, there’s leadership we can all be proud of! Luckily its all Clinton’s fault.

Dave said...


FISA laws for starters. He has also declared he will simply ignore laws he disagrees with. Then there is the Geneva Convention. But you know it goes WAAAY beyond breaking specific laws. It's not illegal to to be stupid.

Anonymous said...

This all would not have happened? Pfft! But, if you want to bring Saddam Hussein into it, you probably didn't know it was Bush the first that gave a pass to Saddam Hussein. Or was that a wink and a wave. Anyway, Bush I was better positioned than Clinton ever was to bomb Hussein and he declined. And, anon, for the record when did we know Bin Laden first posed a threat of the U.S. No fair asking Ronald Reagan. Cluck.