Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Can you imagine the howling from the wingnuts if Barack Obama had held the flag the wrong way? OMG, he’s an unpatriotic, islamofascist, presumptuous, elitist antichrist!!! Just thinking about it makes my ears hurt.

But it’s just George Bush – PASS.

And while I’m not going to question someone’s patriotism, my God, what a big dork.


Anonymous said...

The whole picture is so funny. Laura being blocked by the errant flag, one of the twins looking like something's not quite right (though she can't quite put her finger on it), and the guy on the right in the front row who looks like he's trying to stop himself from busting out in laughter. But nothing beats W's look of pure joy. Don't call him unpatriotical!

Anonymous said...

I will take Bush holding a flag backwards as oppossed to Obama spitting on it.


Anonymous said...

Is that Hank Kissinger in the lower left?

Dave said...


That must be him. He's there. I saw another picture of him sitting behind Bush -asleep.

Anonymous said...

And that is Nancy Kissinger right next to him.

JLogue said...

What defines a Pass? I did a google search on Bush American flag backwards and he is yahoo news and makes it on quite a few other news agencies. Perhaps it's not in the bigger media outlets because he is a lame duck president, not because it's George Bush. And I think it was mainly the right wing news agencies and blogs that flogged Obama over the flag lapel pin.