Tuesday, August 16, 2005

From an Older American

So, the CH. 20 morning news is on in the background this morning as I was getting ready for work. The news reader starts in on the obligatory Elvis-died-on-this-date-in-1977 story. I begin to remember where I was that day. I was 17 and working in a book store (The BookMarket) in the newly opened White Oaks Mall. I'm brought back to reality when I hear the Ch. 20 chick say, "Many older Americans remember where they were that day". So now I don't have to wait for my AARP membership; I'm already an older American.


Anonymous said...

You old man...tee hee!

A Much Younger Admirer (Mrs TEH)

Anonymous said...

I was workin at the state fair and when they announced that he had died, you could hear a pin drop. That day and night was the slowest in sales of any day I can remember.