Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I know it’s tempting to do everything possible to look younger, but understand that leaves you (and me) vulnerable to being scammed.

NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Spend a fortune on anti-wrinkle creams? Don't bother, said a U.S. study released Tuesday.

Luxury-price products don't work any better than drugstore brands, according to the study by Consumer Reports magazine, which ranked Olay Regenerist, priced at about $19, as the most effective in reducing wrinkles.

But none of these products made a significant difference in the skin's appearance.

Researchers found that after 12 weeks the top-rated products smoothed out some fine lines and wrinkles, but even the best performers reduced the average depth of wrinkles by less than 10 percent, a change barely visible to the naked eye.

"The tests revealed that, on average, these products made little difference in the skin's appearance and there's no correlation between price and effectiveness," a spokeswoman for the magazine said.

Americans spend over $1 billion a year on anti-wrinkle creams.

A billion dollars on things that don’t work! Don’t you think people would notice and stop using the stuff? I guess there’s some psychology involved here that causes people to literally "believe” in products that don’t do what they are supposed to do. No one likes to be powerless against what they perceive to be negative or unpleasant things.

I wonder how much is spent on anti-balding products?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wrinkle cream!

My wrinkle cream!

What have you done with my wrinkle cream!

But mommy!

Give me your hand you pathetic little creature!

Mommy please!

Give me your hand this instant!

Mommy don't hit me!

The next time you touch my wrinkle cream you won't be so lucky this time I only want to know what you have done with mommy's wrinkle cream?

Then why do you want my hand mommy!

To dip it into acid you little #$%^*, now you tell me what you have done with my wrinkle cream right now!