Thursday, September 01, 2005


I've been wondering this for a day or so and I'm now starting to hear others (here and here) ask this question too. Why no airdops of supplies (food and water) to the stranded victims of hurricane Katrina? I'm not just talking about New Orleans where such an operation might be somewhat problematic given the compactness of the area, limited airspace being used for rescue and a ground covered with water. I'm thinking about all the small communities in Louisiana and Mississippi that were devastated. I watched people on the news yesterday in these places asking where the FEMA trucks were. They had had nothing to eat or drink for a couple of days. Couldn't a few C-130s have been loaded with emergency supplies to be dropped on these communities? I know the Coast Guard has such planes as do a number of Air National Guard units.

I'm not trying to be overly critical (yet) of the relief effort but I'm starting to see some real deficiencies.

1 comment:

JeromeProphet said...

I'll comment.
Seems like people are focusing on watching the unfolding disaster on the Gulf Coast.

Sounds like an alternative to starving.