Friday, September 02, 2005

If Only it Were Arlington Heights

From Kos:
Where the top Republican in the House kvetches about rebuilding New Orleans
while happily funding the rebuilding of Iraq. Seemingly without worrying himself
that reconstruction estimates for New Orleans -- $25 billion -- equals just three months of funding for the Iraq quagmire.
So, who is it that hates America?


Anonymous said...

Why, if we moved Mississippi River towns in Illinois off of the flood plains and onto bluffs, are we trying to say not rebuilding New Orleans is a bad idea?

Come on. It sits below sea level surrounded by the biggest river in North America and a massive lake. It was a dumb location for a city even with all its history and charm.

Move it already.

Anonymous said...

If I pitch a tent on train tracks, eventually a train is going to come along and blow me away. Sure it was a dumb place to set up camp in the first place but how dumb would I have to be to go out and buy a new tent and put it right back on the tracks? Just because you have fond memories of the train tracks doesn't mean it's a good idea to continue setting up camp there.

Explain to me what it is about Hastert's remarks that isn't common sense?

And you've officially lost your right to complain about the so-called right wing neocon 'echo chamber' since you've turned your blog into a mirror for Kos and other sites. Where are your original thoughts?

Dave said...

I haven't officially lost my right to do anything GeezAnon. I have my "orignal" thoughts all over the place here. If someone else has something to say that I agree with, and says it well, I will reproduce it here. You are free not to do so on your own blog.

Anonymous said...

Will do.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Ms. Hep said...

Ridiculous. Not to rebuild a city just because the federal government made a huge error and didn't fix the levee's. They were told what needed to be done, and they ignored it. This isn't some little po-dunk town...this is a major city.

JeromeProphet said...

And you call yourself an American?
You ought to move to Iraq.

God Bless America!

America First!

And to hell with those who choose to squander our treasure, and our soldier's lives, on some war profiteering scam, and then say we're too poor to rebuild New Orleans - and it's in a bad location.

The trouble with New Orleans is solvable, federal dollars should have been used long ago to restore the marshlands ringing the coastal areas, and to build better levees.

Yes it would have taken around $14 Billion dollars, but it would have largely eliminated the tidal surge , and handled what did make it through.

This isn't some fluke it's been predicted for years, and that fool we have in there as President cut funding - he gambled with American lives which he's always been willing to waste while enriching his family, and friends with war profits on a needless war which he started.

It makes me sick.

This administration has chosen time, and time again to ignore the needs of this nation while representing the super rich, and oil interest.

And everyone is paying for this, in soaring deficits, higher gasoline prices, and insurance cost!

Dave write on!
