Monday, September 26, 2005

Don't Make Me Ralph

Oh, the irony.

I was reading about Saturday's large anti-war protest in Washington when I nearly fell off my chair when I read that Ralph Nader was one of the speakers. Uh, Ralph, has it occurred to you there would be no need for the protest had you stayed out of the 200o presidential race?

Thanks again, Ralph!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So because a candidate runs who opposes both political parties that means he cannot be an opponent of the war. Nice.

If either party wants to complain about losing an election then maybe they should complain about their inability to choose worthwhile candidates.

A good portion of people voted against both parties by voting for Nader. Of course, we are to blame.

Not that any Democratic President has ever gotten us into war before. Of course who knows who'd be President now if Gore had not been able to win re-election.