Saturday, September 03, 2005

D-Day Museum: Not the Review I Promised.

I had previously committed to posting a review New Orleans' D-Day museum some time after I returned from that city a month ago. I had started working on it but just never got around to finishing the post. Then came Katrina.

I was curious how the museum was faring. This is about all I found after a brief web search:
...reports indicate that the National D-Day museum directly across the street from the Confederate Museum has been "gutted and trashed by looters."
I have no information confirming or refuting that. It's worth noting, however, that the area where the museum is located is, at least, dry.

The museum's website is silent on the disaster and hauntingly still headlines an international conference on World War II scheduled to be held next month in New Orleans.

1 comment:

JeromeProphet said...

A museum dedicated to honoring those who fought, sacraficed, suffered, and died for the freedom of the world from tyrananical rule has been desecrated - sacked by looters.

Now we must know how those living in Rome felt as it was sacked by the Germanic tribes marking the end of the great Roman Empire.

This disorder shows that not all of our citizens are truly citizen of this empire - but merely parasites upon it.

We must do more to include everyone, to give everyone a stake in this great nation of ours. To remain divided, to exclude - this has led to the looting as much as any general lawlessness.

While any nation is just a few skipped meals away from social disorder, I doubt that a nation such as modern day Japan, or the Netherlands for example would have descended as deeply into chaos, and lawlessness as we have witnessed in New Orleans this last week.

Legalize drugs, legalize prostitution, legalize gambling, tax them and use those taxes to lift up those who have problems with drug use, sexually transmitted disease, and gambling problems.

Reinstitute an progressive income tax, and create, and fund social, and economic programs which lift up those most needy.

These measures will effectively defund gangs, and criminal elements, and will reinvigorate the relationship between law enforcement, and the struggling classes.

Create a social ladder which enables all those willing to rise up, and participate in the social good.

Enfranchise the people.

Spend our money on building America, for Americans, instead of wasting our money on foreign countries like Iraq.

We need new leadership in this nation that cares about the middle class instead of the rich - we have enough BMWs - we need better schools, better roads, and better jobs.

The Greatest Generation fought to provide this nation with a future - not a future for the upper classes, but a future for the masses of people like themselves that gave their lives to defend this nation.
