Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Great Aunt Takes a Nap

I'm putting my Tuesday Great Aunt Blogging on hiatus for a while, if not forever. There is still a lot of material in the scrapbook but most of it is the same old cartoons bashing Harry Truman done by the same cartoonist or newspaper articles. I thought about transcribing some of the articles but I'm not sure how interesting that is. All of them say about the same thing: Truman, Communism = bad. Some other writings are more interesting. For example, last night I read a column written in early 1952 that marveled at how much the world had changed in the prior ten years (Pearl Harbor happened just 10 years and a few months earlier).

The other issue is the condition of the scrapbook. Since I have been doing the Great Aunt Blogging feature, the condition of the scrapbook has noticeably deteriorated. That's my fault as I have manipulated the book to get it on to the scanner. Most of the items are securely pasted into the book so there is no way of copying them without manipulating the whole thing.

So, I'll see. Maybe I will revive the feature later , perhaps less regularly.

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