Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This Day in Numbers

While everyone is making a big deal today about 01:02:03 04/05/06, I have lived through at least three better number sequences. They include:

1:23 4/5/67
12:34 5/6/78 (this I deem to be the best!)
3:45 6/7/89

And let’s not forget:

6:06 6/6/66
7:07 7/7/77
8:08 8/8/88
9:09 9/9/99

And don’t get me started on binary dates of 2001

01:01 01/01/01
10:10 10/10/01

Have I missed anything?


Anonymous said...


Bike said...

My Griffin HS math teacher noted the one similar to the one you have but better:

1:23:45 6/7/89--gotta get those 45 seconds in there for the 1 to 9.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Mole Day: 6:02 on 10/23. That's about the only thing I remember from sophomore chemistry class with Mr. Hage at Southeast.

Also, the world is supposed to end June 6, 2006: 06/06/06.