Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I See Robbers

I’m kind of surprised at the good quality of this surveillance video from the Qik-n-EZ on Monroe showing the weekend robbery there. I guess the days of the fuzzy black and white surveillance footage are coming to an end.

The SJ-R has the full robbery crime spree story here. Be sure to read the first idiotic comment posted below the story. How are people this stupid able to type?


JeromeProphet said...

I looked at the video a few times.

He seemed to know where the camera was.
Dressed just the right way to keep his face off the camera. Looked down enough so his hoodie covered his face.

He seemed to know that there was only one camera - I've always assumed there'd be several - shows how little I know.

He appeared not to be interested in the content of the cash registers.

He took the clerk, then the manager over to the "safe" which was out out camera range, and got the big money.

It doesn't look like it was the first time he has robbed a Quik-n-EZ as he was very casual about it.

He got what he wanted, in the way he wanted it, and walked out.

He doesn't look like he's all drugged out, as he seemed to be carefully following a plan in the way he approached the robbery - keeping the angle of his head just perfect when he faced the camera, being very relaxed in his handling of the gun so as not to broadcast that he had a gun to anyone who might wander in.

So if he's not using it for an immediate drug high, and he's hitting the other places in town, that would suggest he has a certain amount of money that he needs for a specific purpose.

Maybe to buy a car, or to get enough money for deposit on an apartment, etc., or to leave Springfield for somewhere warmer?

We may never know.


JeromeProphet said...

I just read some of those comments on the SJ-R site related to the article on the string of robberies.

Some of those right wing wackos leaving their bizzaro world comments are just plain nuts.

They are actually serious too.

I turned on Pam Furr rant-a-thon this morning, and she was stoking up the fires with the wing nuts on this subject.

Oh boy we can't even say this bandito was african american, because we live in such a liberal society.

Oh yes, Pam recalls being told not to mention race back in her days in the south, as it might offend people.

Poor victim she was.

I guess now that the Repubs lost they can play the part of the voice in the wilderness - what a load of malarky.