Thursday, November 09, 2006

Patience is a Virtue

Well it took 35 years but someone finally got a reaction from Jim Morrison’s dad on the death of his son. He thinks it was “unfortunate”. OK then.

Seriously though, who knew Morrison’s dad was even still alive?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who knew Jim Morrison even had a father? He surely must have had a father, but that's not what we think of when we think of Morrison.

He was a mystery wrapped in a riddle - an enigmatic icon that personified the generation gap that existed between the Greatest Generation, and the Baby Boomers - who at that fixed point in time were rebellious teens, and twenty-somethings.

If Morrison lived he'd be an balding, pot bellied man touring small "remember the 60's" events. Instead he died young, stayed pretty, and became an historical icon that will be around long after we have all passed.

Still, it's nice to know that he had a family who forgave him his arrogance, and love him.