Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Help Ann Help Herself

Dear SJ-R:

Others are doing it why not you?
Second paper drops Coulter

The Oakland Press (California) has joined the Lancaster New Era (Pennsylvania) in announcing plans to no longer run Ann Coulter’s column after her remarks about John Edwards.
Surely you can find someone conservative that isn’t a grandstanding bomb-thrower who says outrageous things simply to sell books and get on teevee.

Update: One more paper has dropped Little Homophobe Annie.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that the SJ-R is afraid of alienating that small but vocal minority who actually believe the dribble that the bitch has to say?

Too bad that Ms. Coulter could not stumble upon a time warp and be taken back to the good ole days of Salem and find herself tied to a post in the middle of some kindling.

Anonymous said...

Didnt the Revvvverrrand Jackson refer to NYC as "hymie town"? Yet, I still see his column in many newspapers.

Now I am all for any paper dropping anyone if they feel that person will hurt their sales, so if that is the case with Coulter, fine. But to drop someone for making "insensitive" remarks is political correctness gone too far. Last night's South Park had a great parody on PC.