Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Media Militia

I find this fascinating. What we have here is a total bypass of the traditional media in what is a labor-intensive task of reporting. Going thorough 3000 documents would be very taxing for any news organization but what Josh Marshall has done is call up the internet National Guard by asking readers to step in and help sort through all the material in question. These people are doing this out of interest and aren’t getting a dime for their efforts.

This is not the first time this sort of thing has been done. Bloggers regularly ask for the assistance of readers in doing research. Marshall often asks his audience around the country to seek a position from their Senators and Congresspersons on particular issues and then compiles results.

Yay, internets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of investigative journalismh news organizations were supposed to do before they cut costs to maximize profits.