Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blog to the Editor

I suppose this is done elsewhere (Decatur not being on the cutting edge of, well, anything) but the Decatur Herald & Review has a Letter to the Editor Blog. That is, the paper posts its letters to the editor and then you and I can respond to them via the comments section.

Like I said, I'm sure this isn't a new idea but I haven't seen it before and I kind of like it. I mean, how any times have you seen a letter on the op-ed page that you wanted to rebut, but the day or two (or three) of delay before it appeared would take all the wind out of your point?

The Blogosphere - Home of Instant Gratification!

1 comment:

Marie said...

That is pretty amazing. But, not surprising. The Decatur paper wrote a feature article about local blogs about two years ago or so. I wish the SJR would follow suit.