Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rove, Rove, Rove You're Sunk

The Rove-CIA-agent-outing scandal really is getting to the point that even this White House can't contain it anymore. I saw Scott McClellan refusing again and again to comment on the case during the coverage of today's White House press briefing on CNN. He kept saying he can't comment on the ongoing investigation. It's funny how they have been commenting on it for the longest time -until now.

Oh, the hypocricy. Tim Russert, of all people, may have put it best this morning on the Today show:

"As one Republican said to me last night, if this was a Democratic White House we'd have congressional hearings in a second."
You got that right.

Taking a page from the conservative playbook, I'll go ahead and impugn Rove's patriotism too (except, it appears, he really IS a traitor).

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(photo courtesy of cafepress)

1 comment:

JeromeProphet said...

And it couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.

It must feel somewhat strange to be cast in the roll of conservative spin caster right now.

We're bigger on defense than the democrats! We are the party to be trusted in this war on terror! We must let our intelligence community be free of the shackles of self imposed restraints put upon us by those weak Liberals. We are true supporters of Justice. That damned Clinton got what he had coming, he broke the law, and a law is a law.

Oh yes, it's o.k. if we name CIA agents, in violation of Federal law if it allows us to intimidate, and control people.

Then lie about it.

Cause, like I said:

We're bigger on defense than the democrats! We are the party to be trusted in this war on terror! We must let our intelligence community be free of the shackles of self imposed restraint put upon us by those weak Liberals. We are true supporters of Justice. That damned Clinton got what he had coming, he broke the law, and a law is a law.