Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Name Game

Jim over at AbeLog today laments the poor state of race relations in Springfield, especially in light of the ongoing battle between the city and the group of minority police officers known as "The Black Guardians".

I understand they have legitimate gripes against the city but the name "The Black Guardians" sounds like a gang. I'm thinking they're not getting any good PR out of that. Wouldn't an organization called "The Association of Minority Law Enforcement Professionals" be better? OK - that sounds like a labor union but you get my drift.


Anonymous said...

Oh pleez Mr Anonymous 5:40 PM!
Do you really believe it's as simple at that?

Next thing you'll be saying that blacks wanted to be slaves.
Racism, and poverty go hand in hand, and are intergenerational.

While that doesn't excuse individuals from their personal responsibilities, or families for not making good choices, it does suggest that understanding the role of race, and poverty in the society is important in understanding those individual choices.

With fully one third of african american males in some way "in the system" (i.e., in jail, prison, bonded out, awaiting trail, on probabtion) there seems to be a very large problem for society to address.

Encouraging the black community to participate in the role of law enforcement can only help.

I do agree that the choice of names for the group promoting more hiring of minorities in the local police department might not be the best choice, and probably doesn't reflect the intent of the members.

But the idea that there are black americans who want to help isn't something to be ridiculed, or made light of.


Anonymous said...

If they get off their lazy ass and receive an education and a good job they wouldn't be poor. How many of the blacks today that complain about not getting a job are the same kids who didn't show up for class, didn't do their homework, refused to stay in school and were in trouble with the police since birth?

They need to help themselves first before asking for all the free handouts.