Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Up In Smoke

I was a little stunned to see this item in the online Jacksonville Journal-Coiurier:
District 117 Board Member Mindy Olson would like to prohibit students from leaving Jacksonville High School to smoke. Existing school policy allows students whose parents have signed a permission form to smoke at a designated spot off school grounds. Mrs. Olson says the policy needs to change to bring consistancy to the schools rules.
Excuse me? What parent would provide a note giving permission for their kid to smoke? At school no less.


Anonymous said...

It's insane!

There must be some drug addicts on the District 117 Board if they'd allow smoking on school grounds.

I recall from when I was in High School that much of what was being smoked out on the front lawn of our school wasn't tobacco.

But it was ENABLED since the school disiplinarians could be fooled into believing it was just HARMLESS CIGARETTES!

Why even open the door to all that?

It is time to eliminate smoking from our society in every way possible, and giving a pass to children to smoke at school gives the wrong message to everyone involved.


Anonymous said...

Discipline not disipline! No wonder I always got myself into trouble - I couldn't even spell it right!


Anonymous said...

What is worse knowing how many parents that DO let their kids smoke in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I am going to send this article to the J-Ville school board....