Thursday, July 21, 2005

Cyber Lies II

I posted a while back about bogus emails that way too many people buy into and then forward on to the rest of us (actually I was piggybacking on this post over at AbeLog).

I also pointed out how the vast majority of false emails of a political nature seem to come from the rightwing propaganda mill. Well, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Rich Roeper today takes on another of these stupid wingnut messages.

This one is typical, seeking to expose the conspiracy of "Hollywood types [who] make front page news with their anti-everything-American crap" while actor Denzel Washington is shunned for being a true patriot. However, again as is typical for these things, almost nothing in the email is true. That won't stop it from being cited endlessly on conservative talk radio and becoming "common knowledge" among those predisposed to believe it.

Snopes is also on the case here.

When you get this piece of disinformation be sure to hit the reply-to-all button and send one of the above links.

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