Friday, July 01, 2005

D'Arcy's II

This week's Illinois Times has a review of the Dublin Pub which is located in the same space as the old D'Arcy's Pint. Turns out -surprise, surprise- it's virtually the same restaurant.
In fact, the management of the new pub, which opened in May, has obviously decided not to reinvent the wheel — or the horseshoe, shepherd’s pie, or pot roast, in this case — and that’s a good thing. The things regular patrons of D’Arcy’s dearly loved, such as the hearty dishes and friendly atmosphere, are still in place. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dublin Pub quickly became a favorite neighborhood watering hole and eatery with the same standing-room-only crowds that D’Arcy’s enjoyed.
There's also this bit I was unaware of:
Chili has replaced chocolate-raspberry cremes in the Town and Country Shopping Center. Joe’s Chili Bowl, located next door to the Dublin Pub, has opened in the space that once held the Fannie Mae candy store. The small eatery offers chili, chiliburgers, tamales, hot dogs, and chilidogs, plus salads, soups, and ice cream. Chili is available by the pint or quart. Carryout and sit-down dining are available.
I'm going to have to check that out. You just can't have too many chilli joints.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I wish the Dublin Pub success, I like the fact that it isn't as crowded as D'Arcy's Pint. Until I see nobody standing outside D'Arcy's when I drive by, I won't even think of stopping.

As a side note: Mmmm...Chili