Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Art of Politics

I can’t let the passing of Art Buchwald go by without mention here. Buchwald’s political humor would probably be considered rather lame today but back in the early 1970s when I started reading his columns, he was as cutting edge as you got in the mainstream media. It was my mother who first turned me on to him. While rarely overtly political in life, mom liked that fact that Buchwald infused humor into the otherwise serious political discourse of the day. She was always pointing me to Buchwald columns when I was a teenager. With the introduction of more youth-oriented political satire (Saturday Night Live, National Lampoon magazine, etc.), I gave up on Buchwald. But he had already had an impact on me. It was because of Buchwald that I learned that the best political commentary is often delivered funny. RIP Art.

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