But I thought The Chief was “honoring” Native Americans (incorrectly aka Indians). Guess not.
The Oglala Sioux Tribe today demanded the University of Illinois return the Lakota regalia worn by Chief Illiniwek, the school's controversial mascot.Yeah well, if Native Americans are so smart why did they continue to foolishly enter into “treaties” with Native Europeans? Thank (the Great White) God we know how to honor the red man better than those ungrateful indigenous savages.
In a resolution presented to the U. of I. board of trustees, the university president and the chancellor, the tribe called for the university to "cease use of this mascot."
The "Oglala regalia is being misused to represent 'Chief Illiniwek,'" and is a "disrespectful representation" of the people of the Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankeshaw and Wea nations, according to the resolution. "The antics of persons playing 'Chief Illiniwek' perpetuates a degrading racial stereotype that reflects negatively on all American Indian people."
The regalia itself is not even like that worn by the tribe Chief Illiniwek is supposed to have come from, said Malvin Young Bear, cultural liaison to Vice President William Brewer of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
The use of the costume by Chief Illiniwek is insulting to the tribe, particularly because the ceremonial dress "was a significant honor to wear," Young Bear added.
Anyway, I don’t really care about this silly controversy. I don’t care about the Illini, I have my own team to rally ‘round!

Dave, your comment clearly reveals that your views reflect classic 'white supremacist' attitudes. Sadly, your view is commonly expressed by those who support the race-based nickname, logo and mascot at the University of Illinois. Those who say they "respect the Chief" are willing to "respect" a fake 'Indian' but simultaneously disrespect real American Indians. If they really respected real American Indians, those in power at the University of Illinois would retire their race-based athletic policy. Since the University of Illinois is a state university, this University’s race-based policy represents state-sponsored racism
Either you completely misunderstood my post or I'm taking your comment too seriously, though I'm usually not sarcastically impaired.
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