Sunday, January 21, 2007

Super Bowl Re-Shuffle

Alright Bears!

OK, I admit I’m not nearly as excited as I was in 1986, but then few things excite me the way they did 20 years ago. And the 2006 Bears have nowhere near the personality of the 1985 Bears. Still, how great is it that they’re headed to the Super Bowl? It would have been cool if the Patriots had won tonight setting up a SB rematch, but playing Indy is pretty awesome too. A Cornbelt classic.

The downside: Former Wingman SK is having his tenth annual Super Bowl party and for the first time in 10 years I’m actually going to want to pay attention to something other than the beer fridge and commercials.

1 comment:

JeromeProphet said...

Darn it!

I'm so excited.

Yes, 1986 had an incredible story behind it. Payton, Singletary, the Fridge, Jimbo, the Dutch. Man, that's just getting started!

We just need to appreciate this!