Monday, July 02, 2007


Bush commutes Libby's prison sentence. Fucking asshole. The corruption within the Bush White House knows no bounds. Worst. President. Ever!

I've mostly stuck with position over the last 6+ years that I detested the administration rather than Bush himself, but you know, I'm really starting to hate the man. What a loser, Mr. 27%.

The good news is, this will just further the decline of the GOP which is now inexorably tied to Bush. The national Republican party will soon be as irrelevant as their Illinois counterparts. Just take a look at the pathetic bunch running for president; they are all trying to out-Bush each other. Wow, good plan; emulate the most disliked president in modern history. The gutless wonders deserve the defeat to be handed to them for having been so complicit in the empowerment of Bush & Co.


Update: Someone else says it best...
Dear American people and your hallowed legal system:

Fuck you!

All best,
George W. Bush

Update II: Oh, I see...
Well, George did it. Made sure that Scooter wouldn't flip rather than do jail time. He commuted Libby's sentence, guaranteeing not only that Libby wouldn't talk, but retaining Libby's right to invoke the Fifth.

This amounts to nothing less than obstruction of justice.


Anonymous said...

Supposedly only Truman had a lower approval rating, at 22 percent, at the height of the Korean War. Bush must fancy himself another Truman, in much the same way Blago (according to rumor) fancies himself another Andrew Jackson.

JeromeProphet said...

Bush is corrupt to his core.

The festering swamp from which Bush occasionally surfaces was carefully stocked with other venomous black hearted creatures.

Cowards they are for hiding behind the Constitution while simultaneously working to circumvent it.

History knows them for what they are.


Anonymous said...

Bush did the right thing. There was NO crime and Fitzgerald knew it. He was on a witch hunt. period. Yes, perjury is a crime. So why didnt Clinton serve time?

Regarding the 27%, I agree it is bad, but the funny thing is that his approval rating is DOUBLE that of the Pelosi led Congress. In fact, her congress has the worst approval ratings of ALL TIME!!!

Dave said...

Rick, there absolutely WAS a crime. He was convicted by a jury in a court of law. Clinton was tried and acquitted. Worse yet, Libby lied about matters of national security not blowjobs. Stop being so fucking dense.

Anonymous said...

But Dave,

Clinton's Presidency was an obstacle to conservatives attainting Presidential power,


Libby's lies were intended to maintain conservative Presidential power


It really is the same.

When done in the name of God, and Country of course (that's how they tell themselves that they're not a bunch of criminals)


ArchPundit said...

=== Bush did the right thing. There was NO crime and Fitzgerald knew it, did you read his filings? He pointed out he couldn't determine who committed the crime because Scooter obstructed justice.

===He was on a witch hunt. period. Yes, perjury is a crime. So why didnt Clinton serve time?

Because he made a plea bargain to give up his law license for five years and pay a fine.

Of course, the conditions of the two cases were very different and Clinton. The charge of obstruction of justice was far more tenuous in Clinton's case.

Anonymous said...


Sorry for the confusion. Yes, perjury is a crime. My point is that there was no underlying crime before the perjury was committed. In fact Fitgerald knew even before he began his investigation of Libby that it was Richard Armitage who leaked Valerie's name. However, since she was not undercover, it was not a crime.

I agree with Bush that Libby's sentence was too harsh for committing perjury in a non-crime situation.

You can read Robert Novak's Sun Times column from July 4th, to get more details.

Anonymous said...

To Karoli:

"For Bush to blatantly pay off his cronies is a slap in the face to our military who are supposedly fighting for our 'freedom' (whose freedom?) and the citizens of this country."

regarding your above comment: I was wondering what you thought about Marc Rich's wife paying Hillary's brother to lobby Bill Clinton for a pardon? I assume you will remain consistant and criticize that move too.

To Dave: regarding Clinton's perjury. I really dont care that he lied about oral sex with Monica in general. However, no one seems to point out that this was part of a sexual harassment inquiry which makes the question relevant and the lie significant. Now, believe it or not, I was totally against the impeachment. It was indeed totally political and just helped to further divide this country.